"Depop è il modo più divertente per comprare e vendere direttamente dalla tua tasca.
Vendi le tue cose semplicemente scattando una foto. Segui i tuoi amici, compra oggetti
unici. Depop è INSTAGRAM con il tasto BUY!". E' con queste parole che Simon mi
descrisse per la prima volta il suo grande progetto. Oggi Depop supera i 350.000 oggetti
venduti in Italia e questa settimana fa il suo primo debutto in terra straniera: hello UK!
venduti in Italia e questa settimana fa il suo primo debutto in terra straniera: hello UK!
Depop è un'applicazione per iPhone e iPad che ti permette di creare il tuo shop online in
pochi e semplici passi: scatta la foto, inserisci il tuo prezzo e condividilo con i tuoi amici. E'
proprio l'intuitività la chiave vincente di questa divertentissima app dal layout familiare;
infatti, come ripete sempre Simon, Depop è "INSTAGRAM con il tasto BUY". Tra i
numerosissimi "Depop addicted" non mancano le fashion blogger più cool del momento
come Eleonora Carisi di "Jou Jou Villeroy" e Veronica Ferraro di "The Fashion Fruit".
"Depop is the funniest way to buy and sell directly from your pocket. Sell your items
just taking a pic of them. Follow your friends, buy unique items. Depop is simply
INSTAGRAM plus the BUY button!". That's the way my friend Simon described his
great project the first time we talked about it. Today Depop counts more than
350.000 sold items in Italy and this week it makes its first debut abroad: hello UK!
Depop is an iPhone/iPad app that allows you to set up your online shop with few
simple steps: take the pic, enter the price and share it with your friends. It's exactly
its intuitive aspect the key for the success of this app and its friendly layout; indeed,
as Simon keeps saying, "Depop is INSTAGRAM plus the BUY button". Among the
countless "Depop addicted" the most cool fashion blogger of the moment are not
missing, of course: Eleonora Carisi (Jou Jou Villeroy) and Veronica Ferraro
(The Fashion Fruit).
infatti, come ripete sempre Simon, Depop è "INSTAGRAM con il tasto BUY". Tra i
numerosissimi "Depop addicted" non mancano le fashion blogger più cool del momento
come Eleonora Carisi di "Jou Jou Villeroy" e Veronica Ferraro di "The Fashion Fruit".
"Depop is the funniest way to buy and sell directly from your pocket. Sell your items
just taking a pic of them. Follow your friends, buy unique items. Depop is simply
INSTAGRAM plus the BUY button!". That's the way my friend Simon described his
great project the first time we talked about it. Today Depop counts more than
350.000 sold items in Italy and this week it makes its first debut abroad: hello UK!
Depop is an iPhone/iPad app that allows you to set up your online shop with few
simple steps: take the pic, enter the price and share it with your friends. It's exactly
its intuitive aspect the key for the success of this app and its friendly layout; indeed,
as Simon keeps saying, "Depop is INSTAGRAM plus the BUY button". Among the
countless "Depop addicted" the most cool fashion blogger of the moment are not
missing, of course: Eleonora Carisi (Jou Jou Villeroy) and Veronica Ferraro
(The Fashion Fruit).
Ecco il mio piccolo Depop Shop!
E voi, cosa state aspettando? Depop è GRATUITA e da oggi è disponibile la versione
Here you can see my personal Depop Shop!
And you my friends, what are you waiting for? Depop is FREE and starting
from today you can download its update version even in the UK!